2021-2022: “WorkTransitionCEE – Renewed social dialogue for the new world of work. Job transitions & digitalisation in two industrial sectors in CEE countries –Romania, Hungary, Slovakia”

The project bringing together six representative social partners from Central and Eastern Europe seeks to find answers to such questions as what happens to the millions of European citizens affected by both automation and the COVID-19 crisis in the upcoming years, and what skills are needed to develop in a way that keeps pace with a constantly changing world of work.

By engaging Romanian, Hungarian and Slovakian employers and employee representatives, WorkTransitionCEE aims to underline how critical the years ahead will be for job transition in the new world of work. Specifically, the project highlights the importance of a strong European social dialogue and the need to implement the Autonomous Framework Agreement on Digitalisation to optimise the benefits and better deal with the challenges of digitalization.

The main aim of the project is to raise awareness of the opportunities and challenges resulting from the digital transformation of the world of work. The expected results are strengthening social dialogue at national level, guidance of employers and workers on grasping the opportunities, promotion of upskilling and reskilling and making policy recommendations.

Kopint-Tárki participates in the project as a subcontractor of the National Association of Hungarian Manufacturers (MGYOSZ). In this context, its tasks are: 

  1. Data collection
  2. Literature review, presentation of relevant strategies
  3. In-depth interviews with company decision-makers and stakeholders
  4. Identification of the most relevant jobs and occupations in the automotive, components and metalworking sectors
  5. Compilation of questionnaires for surveys among employees and employers

2. Data analysis

  • Analysis of the questionnaires
  • Preparation of an evaluation study
  • Formulation of recommendations to decision-makers and social partners

Project Coordinator: Employers’ Confederation Concordia (RO)
Co-beneficiaries: BNS (RO), MGYOSZ (HU), VASAS (HU), NUE (SK), NKOS (SK)
Associate organisations: Business Europe (BE), European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
Third Party Organisation: International Organisation of Employers (IOE)

Project website: https://worktransition.eu/

European Union (co-financer)
April 2021 – January 2023
Project leader:
Péter Vakhal
Rozália Bogó, Zoltán Matheika