This paper presents analysis and empirical evidence to contribute towards improved understanding of the relationship between the EU’s employment and social target (AROPE) indicators, including the implications of the way these are framed.
The focus of the report is on developments to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. The main evaluation question is in which areas and to what extent these schemes have contributed to improving the quality of life of the target group concerned.
We analyse past trends of the employment rate and both the 2020 and EU 2030 at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion (AROPE) rates and their components and analyse their relationships at the EU and at Member States’ level. Links between these indicators and some key demographic, economic and social policy measures are also explored. Our analysis is mainly built on quantitative data collected by Eurostat (mostly based on EU-LFS and EU-SILC), but other data sources are also used.
The evaluation report draws heavily on interviews with experts, beneficiaries and people with disabilities (experience experts), in addition to an analysis of the main policy and strategy documents, previous evaluations and relevant databases in the field.