2023-2024: Characteristics of labour and skills supply in different regions of Hungary – CORE project

In the framework of the CORE project funded by the European Commission, MGYOSZ and its partner Kopint-Tárki investigated how Hungarian businesses’ expectations of regional labour markets will evolve in a 10-year perspective, what factors and trends support the realisation of positive scenarios in each region, and how convergence between businesses in different economic situations can be achieved.

The analysis took the form of ‘strategic foresight’, and in this framework Kopint-Tárki experts conducted a nationwide survey to find out what unresolved labour issues companies face in the post-COVID-19 world and what they expect in a 10-year timeframe. Secondly, they put into context the vision sketched out in the scenario planning workshops organised in Hungary’s regional centres.

Documents: Workshop invitation, presentation (in Hungarian)

101051655-CORE-SOCPL-2021-SOC-DIALOG-Capacity Building of Resilient Employers in Hungary. projekt keretében az EU társfinanszírozásával
February 2023 - May 2024
Project leader:
Vakhal Péter
Bogó Rozália