Assessment of labour market integration support schemes

The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the labour market effects of the development programmes that were implemented during the 2014-2020 programming period with ESF support, to determine how successful the labour market integration support schemes and available tools were in terms of facilitating labour market participants and integration. During the evaluation, we examine the large labour market programmes implemented within the framework of EDIOP (Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme) and CCHOP (Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme), the smaller schemes, connected to the Youth Guarantee, accessible through tender, that help young people become
a trainee or entrepreneur, and the scheme targeting non-governmental labour market services, and the county-level and local employment pacts signed under the aegis of TSDOP (Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme). The assessment was prepared in 2020, hence it covers both completed and uncompleted interventions.


Executive summary of the evaluation

Ministry for Innovation and Technology MÉF/48296-1/2018/ITM
January 2021
Project leader:
Katalin Nagy and Ágnes Hárs
Judit Nagy, Zoltán Matheika, Tamás Székács, Zsolt Ruszkai, Dávid Simon