Evaluation of employability support schemes for disadvantaged people involved in social inclusion measures

In the context of employability support for disadvantaged people involved in social inclusion measures, we examined individual measures of two operational programmes, the Human Resource Development Operational Programme (HRDOP) and the related Competitive Central-Hungary Operational Programme (CCHOP) development schemes.

The focus of the evaluation was on programmes to promote the active inclusion of those people furthest from the labour market and those excluded from it. The programmes target disadvantaged people who have some difficulty entering the labour market and therefore need support to succeed in employment. The target groups considered in the evaluation are people with a disability, Roma, with a special focus on Roma women, other people with a labour market disadvantage, prisoners and released prisoners. The evaluation was carried out along these target groups. Of the 13 calls examined, 7 were priority projects, 2 were calls under simplified procedures and 4 were calls opened under standard procedures. The evaluation covered a total of 243 contracted projects.

August 2023
Project leader:
Nagy, Katalin Klára
Hárs, Ágnes, Gábos, András, Kisgyörgy, Orsolya, Tomka, Zsófia