HRDOP Interventions related to lifelong learning

The evaluation looks at the improvements and results of the lifelong learning measures in the 2014-2020 programming period through the development of services and infrastructure in the cultural institutions system. The evaluation looks at eight measures of the HRDOP and one measure of the related CCHOP. Of the nine schemes, six were financed by the ESF and three by the ERDF. The areas of intervention covered by the schemes under review are the development of competences of pupils in educational establishments and pre-school children, the development of continuing vocational training systems in the museum and library sector, the dissemination of non-formal education methods, the promotion of lifelong learning services and activities in cultural institutions, the promotion of new learning content and the development of new types of learning, support for infrastructure development in cultural institutions (public cultural institutions, museums, libraries and archives, performing arts organisations) to promote informal and formal learning, training and work practice for disadvantaged workers to improve their basic skills and competences, and the re-integration of young people with no upper secondary education into post-secondary education.

The nine schemes examined by the evaluation only address certain elements of the Lifelong Learning Framework Strategy 2014-2020.

The Office of Hungary's Prime Minister
November 2023
Project leader:
Nagy, Katalin Klára
Hárs, Ágnes, Kovács, Nóra Noémi, Majsai, Réka, Rosta, Helga