2016-2017: Best practices in reducing tax gaps in V4 countries

“Best practices in reducing tax gaps in V4 countries – mutual learning and lessons for Ukraine”

Context: The aim of this project is to encourage, support and coordinate mutual learning between V4 countries and Ukraine in order to assist those countries’ progress towards the reduction of tax gaps. All V4 countries face a challenge of relatively high tax non-compliance and tax crimes when compared to their Western counterparts. Gathering experience in combating tax avoidance and learning from the best solutions identified in the V4 region would help improving the transferability of policies and tightening the collaboration between national tax authorities and experts.

Objectives: The aim of this project is to help improving tax collection in V4 countries and Ukraine through the support and coordination of mutual learning activities between these countries. The project envisages the following elements: peer country papers, peer review meeting, discussions in closed groups of country experts and final report summarizing the key messages. The results of the project will support the reduction of particularly visible tax non-compliance in V4 countries and Ukraine. The outputs of the project will include:
– five peer country papers summarizing the performance of local tax administration and methods applied to improve tax collections and reduce tax gaps, The Peer country paper concerning Hungary prepared by Éva Palócz from Kopint-Tárki Institute for Economic Research
– a peer review meeting in Warsaw, in which the experts and relevant stakeholders representing the tax administration will take part, where the attendees will discuss the peer country papers and exchange best practices;
– a final report gathering the best practices and summarizing the key policy messages resulting from the peer review meeting and the peer country papers;
– national leaflets summarizing the key messages in national languages.