Published articles
Krokovay, Nóra (2021): Policy responses from governments and social partners to the COVID-19 pandemic. Eurofound
Katalin Nagy-Éva Palócz (eds) (2020): Short-term effects of the COVID epidemic on the international and Hungarian Economy. In: National economy and public finances in the time of coronavirus pandemic. Analyses prepared for the Fiscal Council of Hungary in 2020. Published by the Hungarian Economic Association. pp. 99-106.
Media, conferences
4-5 October 2024. Ágnes Hárs and Nóra Krokovay presented KOPINT-Tárki as a new member at the 16th annual conference of the Trade Union Related Research Institutes (TURI) network, in Athens.
7 June 2024. Péter Vakhal presented a paper at the EUROFRAME conference organised by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) titled “Economic Policies amid increasing Geopolitical Fragmentation“.
16 May 2024 Éva Palócz attended the 12th annual NERI Labour-Market Conference in Dublin and presented in the panel ‘Promoting Adequate Minimum Wages and Collective Bargaining‘.
19 September 2023. Nora Krokovay presented ‘Eurofound Policy Watch: Cushioning the impact of inflation for citizens & workers and role of collective bargaining – the case of Hungary’ at the IREC Conference in Durham, UK.
7 June 2022. Péter Vakhal presented his paper ‘The evolution of Global Value Chains in the CEE region’ at the 2nd Visegrad conference in Budapest.
10 December 2021. Péter Vakhal presented his paper ‘Accounting global value chains in official statistics’ at the conference Global Value Chains and Multinational Corporations in Budapest.
14 December 2019. Péter Vakhal presented the paper ‘Accounting Global Value Chains and competitiveness: a challenge for official statistics’ at the 45th Annual Conference of EIBA in Leeds, UK.