Discussion papers

No. 75, Rozália Bogó, Péter Vakhal (2021): Analysis ot the surveys of the AGE-GAP project

No. 74, Éva Palócz, Tamás Gebei, Péter Vakhal, Zoltán Matheika (2020): Study on Factors influencing Hungarian Companies’ innovation capacity

No. 73, Katalin Nagy, Nóra Serfőző (2017): Differences of economic development and ways of cooperation in the Slovak-Hungarian cross border region

No. 72, Antónia Hüttl, Ágnes Nagy (2016): Organisational capital and hospital performance in Hungary

No. 71, Éva Palócz, Zoltán Matheika, Péter Vakhal (2016): Structural changes in public expenditures in the European Union since 2008 – with special regard to new member states

No. 70, Zoltán Ádám (2016): The fight against unemployment – the case of Hungary

No. 69, Katalin Nagy (2005): Thoughts on Hungarian industrial policy–adaptation and pathfinding

No. 68, Éva Palócz (2005): Business services in Hungary

No. 67, András Köves (2004): Russian economic growth and development – some new and old dilemmas

No. 66, Zoltán Ákos Kovács (2004): Is there any convergence in trade structures following EU accession? Some trade related aspects of enlargement

No. 65, Judit Hamar (2004): Productivity gap and restructuring – mapping the technology structure of branch plants and technology integration of CEECs

No. 64, András Köves (2004): Perspectives for economic cooperation between Russia and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in the light of the enlargement of the European Union

No. 63, Judit Hamar (2001): Dual economy, the role of the MNC-s in Hungary and the EU-accession

No. 62, Tamás Réti (2000): Role of regional integration initiatives in trade liberalisation of transition economies

No. 61, András Köves (2000): Some aspects of medium-term development in Central and Eastern Europe

No. 60, János Gács (2000): Alternative scenarios for Hungary’s accession and macroeconomic development

No. 59, Judit Hamar (1999): Regional effects of FDI-inflows in Hungary