Éva Palócz
Member of the Board, Chief Executive Officer
Field of research: macroeconomic analyses and forecasts, fiscal and monetary policy, economic structure research, the role of services in economies and world trade, the role of foreign capital and the macro-effects of corporate structure
CVKatalin Nagy
Member of the Board, Managing Director of Kopint Foundation
Field of research: world economy and international trade, macroeconomic analysis, European Union policies, German economy, regional policies, evaluation and impact assessment of development projects and their indicators
CVPéter Vakhal
Senior Research Fellow
Field of research: multivariate statistical analyzes, business cycles in Central and Eastern European countries, statistical measurement of global value chains, quarterly business cycle test and World Economic Forum surveys
CVBogó Rozália Jehoda
Research Associate
Field of research: China and developing countries, digitization and e-government, sector analysis, large-scale surveys, coordination, collection and evaluation of foreign best practices
CVÁgnes Hárs
Senior Research Associate
Field of research: labour economics, labour market policies in Europe and in Hungary, factors of labour migration in global, regional and domestic context
CVNóra Krokovay
Senior Researcher
Field of research: support for social and civil projects, communication and project management, social dialogue and conciliation, representative of Kopint-Tárki in the Eurofound network, preparation of studies and coordination of Eurofound projects
CVZoltán Matheika
Senior Research Associate
Field of research: the economy of the Visegrad countries, international comparisons, macroeconomic forecasts, public development strategies, labor market, wages and saleries, sectoral analyzes, innovation and green policy
CVÁgnes Nagy
Senior Research Associate
Field of research: foreign trade processes, customs policy analysis, international trade, processing and evaluation of large company databases, organization, preparation and evaluation of company surveys
CVGábor Oblath
Research Advisor
Field of research: statistical methodological developments, national accounts, macroeconomic and economic policy analyzes, methodology and practice of comparisons of development level, balance of payments and exchange rate analysis
CVSzilvia Borbély
Research Associate
Field of research: industrial relations, social dialogue, conciliation, occupational safety and health, collective bargaining, wages, wage bargaining, equal opportunities, Social Europe, EU social policy
CVAntónia Hüttl
Senior Research Advisor
Field of research: national accounts methodology, macroeconomic analyzes, general government accounts, economic statistics
CVAndrás Köves
Senior Research Advisor
Field of research: Central and Eastern European economies, international trade, economic catching up of new EU-member countries
CVMiklós Losoncz
Senior Research Advisor
Field of research: World economic research, analysis of European Union policies, effects of Brexit, fiscal and monetary policy