No. 73, Katalin Nagy, Nóra Serfőző (2017): Differences of economic development and ways of cooperation in the Slovak-Hungarian cross border region

The article gives an overview of economic processes in the Slovak-Hungarian border region. The main conclusions are based on the principal findings of a Slovak-Hungarian cross border migration project funded by the Hungary-Slovakia Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013. According to the authors, economic and welfare differences between the two sides (Western and Eastern parts) of the Slovak-Hungarian border have remained substantial in the post-crisis period. This applies to both the Slovak and the Hungarian border regions. Whilst in the Eastern part, Slovak NUTS III regions are more advanced compared to Hungarian counties, in the Western half of the border, the picture is more differentiated. Losses due to the global crisis could be totally offset in the Western border region; this was only partially the true for the Eastern part of the border. The authors study the period from 2008 to 2013 and give a comprehensive analysis on regional differences based on macroeconomic and enterprise data and try to find an explanation for the persistent differences and for the slow progress of economic cooperation.

Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) code: E01, E66.
Project leader:
Katalin Nagy, Nóra Serfőző