2008-2011: ServPPIN: The Contribution of Public and Private Services to European Growth and Welfare, and the Role of Public-Private Innovation

ServPPIN was a research project which focuses on the role of public and private services on growth and welfare and the particular role of public-private innovation networks (PPIN). Public-private innovation networks are considered as an organizational device in which public and private services can perform complementarities and synergies in many ways. The full title of the project is: The Contribution of Public and Private Services to European Growth and Welfare, and the Role of Public-Private Innovation Networks SERVPPIN is a Collaborative Research Project co-financed by the EU 7th Framework Programme, under the topic: The implications of developments in the service economy for the European economy.

ServPPIN objectives are:

  • to investigate the linkages between services, economic and social growth, in understanding the contribution of service innovations in the current economy and society and any differences that may exist between the public and private sectors,
  • to understand how public-private sector interactions function , and how they can be better managed by private and public sector policy-makers to increase performance and welfare,
  • to understand the characteristics of public-private service networks that induce innovation, growth, employment and welfare.
Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union GA: 217247, Consortium leader: Luis Rubalcaba, University of Alcalá
Project leader:
Éva Palócz
Katalin Nagy, Gábor Oblath, Éva Palócz