The SPINTAN project aimed at discovering the theoretical and empirical underpins of public intangible policies. It widened previous work carried out by Corrado, Hulten and Sichel (2005, 2009) including the public sector in their analytical framework in different complementary directions that can be summarized in the following three objectives: (1) to build a public intangible database for a wide set of EU countries, complemented with some big non-EU countries; (2) to analyze the impact of public sector intangibles on innovation, well-being and “smart” growth (including education, R&D and innovation, and the construction of a digital society); and (3) to pay special attention to the medium/long term consequences of austerity policies in view of the expected recovery.
Work Packages:
WP1: methodological discussion on the concept of intangibles in the public sector,
WP2: construction of a database for a large set of EU countries and the US, plus three developing countries (China, India, and Brazil) complementary to the one already developed by the INTAN-Invest project,
WP3: implications for smart growth and social inclusion in three key aspects: health, education and R&D with special regard to higher education institutions,
WP4: spillovers of public sector intangibles on the business sector,
WP5: present and future consequences of the austerity measures taken since 2008,
WP6: synthesis of the main results emphasizing the main policy implications.