Éva Palócz, Chief Executive Officer




  • 1991-1992  Ph.D. (Economics)
          Hungarian Academy of Sciences
          Topic: International Trade in Services
  • 1980-1981  University Doctoral Degree
          University of Economics, Budapest
          Topic: International Trade between the Southern, Western and Eastern Region
  • 1970-1974  Masters Degree
          University of Economics, Budapest (then Karl Marx University)
          Specialisation: Transport and trade


  • 2007-:
      Chief Executive Officer
      Main activities
    • Research in the international and the Hungarian economy
    • Project manager and team coordinator
    • Research and consultancy in macroeconomic issues, regional and industrial policy, development policy
  • 2002-2007:
      Deputy General Director
      Main activities
    • Research of the international and the Hungarian economy
    • Project manager and team coordinator in domestic and international projects of the institute
    • Research and consultancy in macroeconomic issues, regional and industrial policy, development policy
  • 1998-2002:
      Managing Director
      MKIK-GVI: Research Institute of Economics and Enterprises at the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
      Main activities
    • Macro- and microeconomic research with special regard to the needs of the member firms of the Chamber.
    • Research on the impacts of the tax rates, the exchange rate on small businesses.
    • Business surveys,
    • Empirical research, field research, case studies on SMEs
    • Consultancy to members of regional chambers of commerce and Industry
  • 1995-1998:
      Deputy Head of Statistics Department, Head of Section for Financial Statistics
      National Bank of Hungary
      Main activities
    • managing the Monthly report of NBH
    • compilation and dissemination of financial data
    • Managing the development and preparation of Financial Accounts of Hungary
  • 1994-1995:
      Head of Department, Strategic Planning
      Budapest Bank Ltd.
      Main activities
    • analysis of the banking market in Hungary
    • position analysis of Budapest Bank
  • 1993-1994:
      Head of Research Section
      Hungarian State Property Agency
      Main activities
    • Background economic analyses and empirical studies to the privatization transactions
  • 1992-1993:
      Guest researcher, with the fellowship of the AvHumboldt Stiftung
      IFO Institute, Munich, Germany.
      Main activities
    • Participation in research work of the Institute mainly in employment issues
  • 1990-1992:
      Head of Research Department
      Kopint-Datorg Ltd.
      Main activities
    • Studies on the Hungarian macroeconomic situation
    • Regional policy
    • innovation policy
    • industrial policy
  • 1974-1990:
      Research Fellow
      Kopint-Datorg Ltd . (between 1974-1985: Kopint Institute for Economic and Market Research)
      Main activities
    • Studies on the Hungarian macroeconomic situation
    • International trade and competitiveness
    • Regional policy
    • industrial policy


Mother tongueHungarian

Other Languages

  • English: excellent
  • German: excellent
  • Russian: average
  • French: basic

Other skills (Organisational / managerial / Communication etc.)

  • Vice President of the Association of Hungarian Economists
  • Chairman of the Kopint Foundation for Economic Research
  • Member of the Board of Tárki Foundation
  • Lecturer at the University Eötvös Lóránd (ELTE), Institute of Political Sciences
  • Member of the Editors’ Board of Külgazdaság (Foreign Economy)
  • Member of the Editors’ Board of Pénzügyi Szemle (Financial Review)

Projects (project manager)

    FP7 project. SERVPPIN: The Contribution of Public and Private Services to European Growth and Welfare, and the Role of Public-Private Innovation Networks. GRANT AGREEMENT No 217247. Collaborative project. 2008-2010.

    FP7 project. INDICSER: Indicators for evaluating international performance in service sectors. GRANT AGREEMENT No. 244709 Collaborative project, 2010-2012.

    FP7 project. SPINTAN (ongoing project): Smart public intangibles. GRANT AGREEMENT No. 612774. Collaborative project.

    USAID: Partners for Financial Stability (PFS) project, 2012-2013

    Development of a micro simulation based macroeconomic model., 2013 Aug- Dec

    Study on Statistical data on Women Entrepreneurs in Europe and on the creation of an eplatform for Women Entrepreneurs, European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry Project leader: KMU Forschung, November 2014

    Economic Trends in Eastern Europe: The regular reports of Kopint-Tárki provide a comprehensive overview on the Eastern European economic development. It focuses on the New Member States of the EU, on the CIS, Southern-Eastern European countries and Hungary., Since 1992 until today, 3 times a year

Honours and awards

  • 2007: Fényes Elek award (from the Central Statistical Office of Hungary)
  • 2008: Káldor award (from the college Heller Farkas)
  • 2009: Order of Knights Cross Merit of the Hungarian Republic (civilian Division)

PUBLICATIONSMain publications in recent years


Palócz, Éva (2024). Újraiparosítás: az új csodafegyver. [Reindustrialisation new magic weapon] In : Közgazdaságtan és gazdaságpolitika. Tanulmányok Csaba László 70. születésnapja alkalmából. Eds.  Györffy, D, Benczes, I. Rosta, M. Akadémiai Kiadó. Budapest, pp.165-172.


Palócz, Éva (2023): A külföldi rétje mindig zöldebb? – Egy követéses vizsgálat eredménye a külföldi cégek bérelőnyéről Magyarországon. [Grass of foreigner always greener? Results of a follow-up study on wage advantages of foreign companies in Hungary] In. Gazdasági rendszerek és rendszerváltozások: Tanulmányok Bod Péter Ákos tiszteletére. Eds Ádám, Z. and Németh, A. O. pp. 282-288. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest. ISBN 978 963 454 985 7

Palócz, Éva (2023). Az inflációs csata európai tájképe: Magyarország elesett.  [European landscape of an inflationary battle: Hungary fallen] Külgazdaság 67. évfolyam 1-2. pp.120-129.


Tóth, I.J. – Palócz, É. (2022): Firm Size, Productivity, EU Funds and Corruption. In: Emerging European Economies After the Pandemic.  Stick in the Middle Income Trap? Ed: Mátyás, L. Springer Series  Contributions to Economics. ISBN 978-3-030-93962-5. pp. 113-154.

Matheika, Zoltán – Éva Palócz (2022): Macroeconomic and fiscal development in 2021 and the first half of 2022 In: Macroeconomic and public finance processes in 2022. Summaries of analyses prepared for the Fiscal Council in 2022. Office of the National Assembly. pp. 32-39

Bogó, Rozália – Miklós Losoncz– Katalin Nagy – Gábor Oblath – Éva Palócz – Péter Vakhal (2022): Global Economic Trends and their Impacts, Especially on the German Economy, and Consequences for Hungary’s Economy and Public Finances In: Macroeconomic and public finance processes in 2022. Summaries of analyses prepared for the Fiscal Council in 2022. Office of the National Assembly. pp. 40-44

Bogó, Rozália – Zoltán Matheika – Éva Palócz – Péter Vakhal (2022): Sustainability and The Emergence of Economic-Social Development in Hungary’s Competitiveness. In: Macroeconomic and public finance processes in 2022. Summaries of analyses prepared for the Fiscal Council in 2022. Office of the National Assembly. pp. 45-49


Matheika, Zoltán – Losoncz, Miklós – Palócz, Éva (2021): Macroeconomic review of 2020 and the first half of 2021. In: National economy and public finances in the time of the coronavirus pandemic. Summaries of analyses prepared for the Fiscal Council of Hungary in 2021. Office of the National Assembly. pp. 23-31.

Nagy, Katalin – Bogó, Rozália – Losoncz, Miklós – Palócz, Éva – Vakhal, Péter (2021): Impacts of the world economy – with special regard to Brexit – on the EU, including Hungary’s economy and public finances. In: National economy and public finances in the time of the coronavirus pandemic. Summaries of analyses prepared for the Fiscal Council of Hungary in 2021. Office of the National Assembly. pp. 99-108.

Bogó, Rozália – Koppány, Krisztán – Krokovay, Nóra – Matheika, Zoltán – Palócz, Éva – Vakhal, Péter (2021): Sustainability and socio-economic development related to competitiveness in Hungary. In: National economy and public finances in the time of the coronavirus pandemic. Summaries of analyses prepared for the Fiscal Council of Hungary in 2021. Office of the National Assembly. pp. 109-117.


Oblath, Gábor – Palócz, Éva (2020): Gazdasági növekedés, fogyasztás és megtakarítás Magyarországon az elmúlt évtizedben. (Economic growth, consumption and savings in Hungary in the last decade) In.: Társadalmi Riport 2020, eds.: Kolosi Tamás, Szelényi Iván, Tóth István György, Budapest 2020
2. Gazdasági növekedés, fogyasztás és megtakarítás Magyarországon az elmúlt évtizedben

Palócz, Éva – Matheika, Zoltán (2020): Dilemmák a Covid–19-válság magyarországi gazdasági hatásairól. (Dilemmas economic impacts of Covid 19 crisis in Hungary) In.: Társadalmi Riport 2020, szerk.: Kolosi Tamás, Szelényi Iván, Tóth István György, Budapest 2020
26. Dilemmák a Covid–19-válság magyarországi gazdasági hatásairól

Palócz, Éva (ed) – Bogó, Rozália – Éltető, Andrea – He, Ting – Losoncz, Miklós – Matheika, Zoltán –Nagy, Katalin – Túry, Gábor – Vakhal, Péter [2020]: The Restart of European Economy and Its Impact on Central and Eastern Europe. Prepared for the China-CEE Institute in English and in Chinese. Budapest. ISSN: 978-615-6124-08-1.


Palócz, Éva (2019): Adalékok a külföldi vállalatok magyarországi szerepének a megítéléséhez (Comments on the assessment of the role of foreign companies in Hungary). Külgazdaság, LXIII. 2019/9-10. p. 39-64.

Palócz, Éva (2019): Gondolatok a külföldi tőke szerepéről az EU-országokban, különös tekintettel a V4 országokra és Magyarországra. (Thoughts on the role of foreign capital in EU countries, especially the V4 countries and Hungary). No. sz. Műhelytanulmány (Discussion Paper), 2019. augusztus.


Körkérdés a bérfelzárkózás korlátairól: bérfelzárkózás alulnézetből. (A round question about the limits of wage convergence. Bottom up view of wage convergence). Külgazdaság, Budapest LXII. 2018/9-10. pp 70-74.

Mi lett velük: egy kiterjesztett esettanulmány tanulságai a középvállalati réteg sorsáról 2000-2016 között. (What happened to them: lessons from an extended case study on the development of the medium-sized enterprises between 2000-2016). In: Kolosi, T. and Tóth, I. Gy. eds. Társadalmi Riport 2018. Budapest: TÁRKI Zrt., pp 203-2016.


A külkereskedelem szerepe a magyar gazdaságban (The role of foreign trade in the Hungarian economy. In: Zsolt László Becsey (ed.): „A magyar külgazdaság helye a gazdaságpolitikában” konferencia előadásainak szerkesztett változata. Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar, (Edited version of the lectures of the conference “The place of the Hungarian foreign economy in economic policy”. Károli Gáspár Reformed University Faculty of Law. Budapest, 2017. pp. 23-38.


A magyarországi bérfelzárkózás tartalékai és korlátai (The reserves and contraints of Hungarian wage convergence). In: Kolosi, T. and Tóth, I. Gy. ed. Társadalmi Riport 2016. Budapest: TÁRKI Zrt., pp. 13-32.

Risks and challenges to international and Hungarian economy in the middle of the decade. Co-author: Nagy, K- Vakhal, P. In: Hungarian Statistical Review, Special Number 20., 2016. Budapest.

Structural changes in Public Expenditures in the European Union since 2008 – with special regard to new member states. With Zoltán Matheika, Péter Vakhal. In: SPINTAN Smartpublicintanglibes. SPINTAN Working Paper No. 14. DOI http://dx.medra.org/10.12842/SPINTAN-WP-14


    Risks in Hungary in the Autumn of 2015. In: Hungarian Financial Almanac 2014-2015. Kerekes György István (ed). Tas 11 Kft. ISSN 2063-188X. p. 46-48.

    Some thoughts about the structural changes of the Hungarian and European economy (In Hungarian) In Külgazdaság LIX. évfolyam 2015/1-2. Kopint Konjunktúrakutatási Alapítvány. pp. 46-51.

    Productivity differential in microeconimic approach. Kopint-Tárki Műhelytanulmányok No. 48, 2015. August.


    On conditions required for sustainable and balanced growth. In: Hungarian Financial Almanach 2014-2015. Kerekes György István (ed). Tas 11 Kft. ISSN 2063-188X. p. 39-41.

    Changes in the Hungarian firm sector during the recent two decades. (Hungarian) In: Economy, society and consumption – 1989-2014. Sugatagi Gábor (ed). GfK Hungária Piackutató Intézet, Budapest, 2014. pp. 32-46


   Final report on “The elements of a micro based macroeconomic model a Small Scale Semi Structured Dynamic Gap Macromodell and a Computeable General Equlilibrium (CGE) modell and its integration to a dynamic/behavourial households microsimulation modell”. The international team of the project was led and the final deliverable of the project was edited by Éva Palócz

   Before and after the crisis. In: Hungarian Financial Almanach- 2013-2014. Ed: György Kerekes. Tas 11 Kft. ISSN 2063-188X.

   A foglalkoztatási és képzési szerkezet eltolódása 1980-2010 között Magyarországon és néhány környező országban. Co-author: Vakhal Péter. Prepared for National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ). Budapest. Kopint-Tárki, Budapest.

   A foglalkoztatási ágazati szerkezetének eltolódása 1980-2010 között Magyarországon és néhány környező országban. A szolgáltató szektor térnyerésének gazdasági és foglalkoztatási hatásai (Shift in the sectoral structure of employment between 1980-2010 in Hungary and some neighboring countries, The economic and employment impact of the expansion of service sector). KOPINT-TÁRKI Műhelytanulmányok. No. 45., Budapest


    Competition on business services markets in Hungary. Deliverable in INDICSER research project in 7th Framework Program of the European Union. Grant agreement No. 244709

   Is there a Hungarian method of crisis management? In: Magyar Pénzügyi Almanach 2012-2013. Ed: György Kerekes. Tas 11 Kft. ISSN 2063-188X. pp. 39-41.


    Makroökonomische Nachhaltigkeit vom Standpunkt der Ökologie (with Erzsébet Páczi) In: “TÁMOP-Humboldt Kolleg für den Umwelt- und Klimaschutz. Michael Palócz-Andresen, Róbert Németh , Dóra Szalay (eds). University of West Ungarn Press. ISBN 978-963-334-063-9.

    The share and volume of services in member states of the EU: an expenditure-side analysis (with Gábor Oblath). Paper presented at the XXI. Annual Conference of RESER, Hamburg, 9th September 2011. In: RESER 2011 Productivity of Services Next Gen – Beyond Output / Input. (Eds: Ganz,W., Schletz,A, Kicherer, F.) ISBN: 978-3-8396-0298-0.

    Different trajectories of Central and Eastern Europeean countries after the Crisis. In: “Adaptability and Change – The regional Dimensions in Central and Eastern Europe”. Grzegorz Gorzelak, Chor-Ching Goh, Károly Fazekas (eds). Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar Sp. Krakkow 2011. pp. 59-80

    The role of foreign capital inflow in the economies of New Member States in EU. Presentation prepared for the International Humboldt Kolleg Istambul, 4th of June 2011.


    Planning in Hungary and the EU requirements. Public Finance Quarterly, Budapest, 2010/3. pp. 475-479.

    The relative price and the importance of private and public services in the new member states of the EU – a statistical analysis (with Gábor Oblath). Deliverable in SERVPPIN project in 7th Framework Program of the European Union. Grant agreement No. 217247


    Fragezeichnen der Zukunft der ungarischen Wirtschaft (German). Europäische Rundschau, 2009/4. Jahrgang pp. 85-92.