Global competitiveness index of Hungary based on World Economic Forum global competitiveness report.
The Swiss-based World Economic Forum – WEF has been producing its Global Competitiveness Report since 1990, in which all countries in the world are evaluated and ranked in economic, technical and societal terms, according to the same framework. Among the other reports with similar content (IMD, Doing Business, Economic Freedom, etc.), the WEF report is by far the most comprehensive in all respects. It contains more than 150 indicators, which adequately weighted show the world competitiveness rankings. The Global Competitiveness Index is well-known in all countries across the globe, and used at the highest level.The report is published once a year, last year 138 countries were analysed. WEF prepares the a substantial part of the survey by involving local research institutes. In Hungary, Kopint-Tárki Institute for Economic Research (and its predecessor) has been participating in the preparation of the domestic survey for over 15 years. Out of 140 nations Hungary is ranked 63th on the list of Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016 published by World Economic Forum.