Discussion papers

No. 41, Imre Bóc, Mátyás Klauber (1996): The weight of black trade and black services in the national economy

No. 40, Zoltán Ákos Kovács (1996): Recent evidence and prospects for growth in Central-Eastern Europe

No. 39, László Csaba (1996): Hungary’s trade policy and trade régime: from neoprotectionism to liberalism or vica versa?

No. 38, László Csaba (1996): Hungary’s trade policy between the Uruguay Round and EU accession

No. 37, Thomas Linne (1995): Steps for a monetary integration of the economies in Central and Eastern Europe into the IMS, ERM and EU; Klaus Werner: Structural changes in trade relations between the European Union and Central and Eastern Europe since 1991

No. 36, Ágnes Csermely (1995): Changing trade pattern in Hungary; Zoltán Ákos Kovács: Changing patterns of trade between Hungary and the European Community (Union) a retrospective analysis 1989-1994

No. 35, András Köves (1995): Thesen zur ungarischen Beitrittspolitik und zur Osterweiterung der Europäischen Union; Hubert Gabrisch: Die Haltung der EU gegenüber Mittel- und Osteuropa nach dem Kopenhagener Gipfel und vor der Überprüfung des Maastricht-Vertrages; Monika Hartmann: Notwendigkeit und Chancen einer Reform der GAP vor dem Hintergrund einer EU-Osterweiterung

No. 34, László Csaba (1995): The political economy of the reform strategy: China and Eastern Europe compared

No. 33, Giel A. W. Verbeeck (1995): The financial sector in Central and Eastern Europe: three questions and three answers

No. 32, László Csaba (1995): Privatisation and distribution in Central and Eastern Europe: theory from evidence

No. 31, Judit Hamar (1995): Industrial policy, structure and efficiency in the Hungarian manufacturing industry (transitional crisis and restructuring)

No. 30, Gábor Oblath (1995): Eastern Europe’s trade performance on western markets and Eastern Europe as a market for western exports: a review of developments between 1990 and 1993

No. 29, László Csaba (1995): Transition and/or modernisation in Eastern Europe

No. 28, András Köves (1995): From “great leaps forward” to normalcy: some issues in transitional policies in Eastern Europe

No. 27, László G. Tóth (1994): Trade among the CEFTA contries in the mid-1990s: how to promote the expansion of intra-regional trade flows in Central Europe (special issue)